Regional Roasts


Your choice of our current bean selections from high quality regional beans, roasted to perfection!

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Brazil Sweet Blue: From the Cerrado region of Brazil, the farm Daterra grows these cherries at 3800 feet above sea level and processes them using a combination of the pulped and natural methods. The result is an outstanding blend with a wonderful aroma and tastes like an elegant, dark and spicy chocolate bar with a dense body. Rainforest Alliance Certified, the Daterra Coffee project was planned to produce specialty coffee, grounded on environmental preservation and social development.

Colombian Supremo: Colombia is the second largest coffee producer in the world and the largest producer of washed Arabica. Columbia Supremo refers to the largest size beans from Colombia. The beans are grown high in the Colombian Andes, 4000-6000 feet above sea level. Colombia Supremo is famous for its smooth pleasant acidity, nutty overtones and rich body. These beans result in a coffee with smooth, yet complex body and a bright acidity. You might experience undertones of berries. citrus (lemon) and chocolate.

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe: Ethiopia is the primary center of the origin of Arabica coffee plant. Coffee is grown by farmers who may only have a few coffee shrubs amongst their other crops. This batch, from the Yirgacheffe region, was grown in the altitude range of 5600-7200 feet above sea level and harvested from “heirloom cultivars”, meaning wild coffee plants! The beans underwent a fully washed process; once picked, the cherry was immediately washed off the bean and then sun dried. The resulting cup is medium body, smooth, bright and winey with a peppery sensation. Your palette may detect black tea, jasmine and lemongrass. Q grade 86.

Haitian Blue: a washed and sun dried method results in a sweet n’ savory cup with mild acidity, plush mouthfeel and a dry finish with notes of raisin and chocolate.This blend of Arabica Blue Mountain, Typica and Bourbon Varietals is Shade Grown 4000-5400  feet above sea level in the Blue Pine Forest in the Central Plateau. Haiti does not have much forest cover. So this is a treat!

Java Estate: The small island of Java was the first Indonesian island to produce coffee and is known for its high quality, delicate taste, and distinct aroma. This roast, made from the Typica Variety, is grown at 2600-5000 feet above sea level by many smallholder farms in the Batak, West Central Sumatra region. The coffee cherries are hand-picked and fully washed before they reach the sun drying patios. Cupping notes are brown sugar, dark chocolate, herbal, nutty with earthy tones and a clean finish.

Nicaragua Cafe Diego: A Direct Trade Coffee, Caturra and Bourbon Varietals are grown 3200-4200 feet above sea level under old shade canopy, producing a pleasing cup with creamy body, mild acidity, caramel, and a smooth finish.

Sumatra Orang Utan: Organic, full, clean bodied coffee with some brightness, chocolate and slightly fruity notes. A balanced, smooth, velvety finish. These Arabica Varietals are grown by smallholder farms in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh, and Northern Sumatra at 3000-6500 feet above sea level and processed using a wet hulled method that produces a more earthy and intense cup.

Orang Utan Coffee Company takes responsibility for a transparent, fair, and sustainable coffee production – from the plantation to the roaster. Their mission is the protection of orangutans and their rainforest habitat along with securing the livelihood of a growing community of over 350 smallholder farmers. They empower farmers to produce certified organic coffee. This process ensures traceability, social and ecological sustainability. 

Timor: This is 100% Organic and Fair Trade certified specialty green coffee is sourced from more than 20,000 members of the Cooperativa Café Timor (CCT). The island of Timor lies between Australia and Indonesia. The Average family farm is a little more than 2 acres between 3200 feet - 1 mile up in the mountains. This coffee is comprised of bourbon (a classic varietal) and Timor hybrid (hybrid of arabica and robusta plant to help resist disease). Fully washed and sun dried. It has a medium body, clean and bright taste. Nice lingering winey aftertaste. Notes of caramel, black cherry, and melon may be detected. Q grade of 87. This is a must try. My sister-in-law added coconut milk and found a welcoming earthy aftertaste.


Zambia Natural: Naturally processed Caturra and Bourbon Varietals grown at 4200-5200 feet above sea level to produce a sweet, intense red berry flavor with notes of red wine. A smooth finish awaits you with a soft mouthfeel. Less well known than Tanzania or Kenya, where the seedstock originated from in the 1950’s, Zambia is inching its way to producing the stellar coffee it’s capable of growing.